Learn The Hair Structure, Achieve Natural Luster

Knowing the structure of your hair is beneficial in properly maintaining each delicate strand on your head to maximize your hair’s natural beauty

By Jeff Keene
Derjers International | www.derjers.com

An average human scalp contains close to 100-150 thousand hair fibers, which are composed of structural protein called keratin. Keratin is the most important element in the hair structure since keratin is protein, therefore the hair strands on our head are actually dead protein.

The hair on our scalp can be divided into two parts, the root and the shaft.


Hair roots are found underneath the skin's surface and are enclosed by a pouch-like structure called a follicle. At the base of the follicle lays the dermal papilla, a structure containing tiny receptors for male hormones and androgens extremely important to your hair's natural growth. These androgens regulate hair growth, possibly causing the hair follicle to get smaller, as the hairs will become coarse in people who are genetically predisposed to this type of hair loss.

The dermal papilla is fed by nourishment in the bloodstream at the base of the follicle, known as the hair bulb because of its bulb-like shape. The bulb is indented by capillaries and nerve fibers, so cells in the bulb will divide as new hair cells push the old cells up. Therefore, the cells that move upwards die slowly forming hardened dead shafts (the hair you physically feel and see).

This is where many are mislead when caring for their hair.

Although keeping your hair strands moisturized does maintain flexibility, prevent breakages and stop split-ends, it does not ensure your hair will continue to grow efficiently. Some people fail to understand or have never learned the hair on our head is already dead, so the real focal point should be in catering to your new-protein producing scalp. In doing this, you'll target where your hair originates to rectify the optimal environment for vigorous, healthy looking growth.

Now, to better understand the hair shaft's structure it's necessary to recognize all three layers of it and their individual roles in overall scalp health and hair growth.


The inner layer of the hair shaft is the Medulla, predominately found more in thicker hair. Don’t worry, This layer is not affected by hair care products or processes.

Next to the base of the hair shaft are sebaceous glands. These glands secrete an oily/waxy matter, called sebum, which lubricates the skin and hair to provide natural shine and luster.


The cortex is known as the middle layer of the hair strand. This is the layer that gives strength, texture and color to your hair.


The cuticle is the outer most layer of the shaft. This layer is thin, colorless and made up of tiny overlapping scales. The condition of these scales determines your hair's health for the day. The cuticle's role is to provide protection to the cortex and ensure your hair remains in its maximum condition.

All in all, the secret to healthy looking hair is in nutritionally nourishing your scalp.

For information on your hair’s growth cycle, click here.

For products clinically-proven to nourish your scalp and promote new growth, click here: http://www.rejuve3.com


Derjers International is committed to utilizing our vast world of technology, innovation and information to perpetuate sustainable expertise based on years of research and science. By exploring every aspect of hair care, we strive to bring the very best to all of our customers worldwide! Our goals focus around creating an optimal hair growth environment to ensure vigorously healthy looking hair, while promoting the power of truth and the value of knowledge. Learn more at www.derjers.com.