Is HAIR LOSS stunting your personal growth? Are you shackled by lack of guidance and want valuable insights for your hair’s betterment? NO WORRIES!
At Derjers International, we have the solution to your battered, stressed, broken or foiled locks. We believe knowledge is power and are committed to educating, enlightening and empowering you with distinct truths that will set you and your hair free. In other words, we provide real solutions that solve common scalp issues effectively and easily. In fact, over 90% of hair loss conditions are curable or preventable. However, in order to legitimately understand hair loss, we must look at the components of hair growth first!
Hair growth starts before we are even born! The very first hairs our bodies grow are called Lanugo (Latin for fine wool). Lanugo begins to grow approximately 3-6 months after conception and is usually shed before, or soon after birth to be replaced with the much coarser hair we all know and love, or know and love to hate. Furthermore, our scalp hair will start growing in the womb and its length will surpass lanugo hair at about 28 weeks.
At the base of each individual hair on your head is a follicle. A follicle is a pouch-like structure below the skin where hair growth is initiated. This initiation occurs when keratinized tissue hardens and begins to sprout above the follicles on your head. So really, your hair is only hardened tissue that manifests from the follicles on your head into whatever color or texture that you’ve been blessed with. The length your hair will grow also depends on your genetics. Fortunately for you, genetics is not a factor in having healthy hair! In truth, different hormones affect the follicle allowing growth or ceasing it. If your hair has stopped growing, it's possibly because of the hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). As a product of testosterone, DHT acts on the hair follicle causing growth to slow and ultimately stop. Please note: DHT only works on certain hair follicles that have the genetic predisposition to be shut off.
Each individual hair forms into a hair bulb deep inside a hair follicle. The follicle is a tiny, but powerful little factory. Each follicle will continue to work throughout most people's lives. From birth to decades beyond your hair follicles will continue to produce hair and each strand of hair will grow for many years. DON'T WORRY! Shampoo, conditioner, hair cuts, blow dryers, sun and wind, coloring, bleach, or perms will NOT affect the growth of your hair in the hair bulb, though, some MAY damage your hair's shaft. After the hair spontaneously falls out of a follicle, the same follicle will start to produce a new hair. This is known as the hair cycle.
Knowing your hair's cycle may help to understand issues you are having with your own hair. Between starting to grow and falling out years later, each hair passes through three distinct phases: The anagen phase (the growing phase), the catagen phase (the intermediate phase), and the telogen phase (the shedding phase).
The Hair Growth Cycle
The anagen phase or "the growing phase" is when all new hair growth occurs. During this phase, 90% of the hairs on your head will be growing at their normal rate. This rate on average, is one-half inch per month for most people. Each specific strand of hair can be in the anagen phase for an average of three to five years, but in some cases, up to ten. Throughout this phase, pigment (melanin) is made in the hair follicle. In older people less pigment is created during this stage, hinting to why, white hair starts to appear even if the hair is still growing healthy and strong.
The catagen phase or "the transitional phase", signals the end of the growth phase for your hair. During this phase, the hair follicle contracts and detaches from its nutritional supply, the dermal papilla, forming into a rounded club. No pigment is made during this phase and the follicle stops producing hair. The follicle then moves upward toward the surface of the skin. Less than 1% of your hair will be in the catagen phase at any given time. This phase usually only lasts one or two weeks.
The telogen phase or "the shedding phase" is the final phase in your hair's growth cycle, lasting until the fully-grown hair is shed. It usually lasts for three or four months. During this time, new hair will begin to grow from the hair follicles and old hair will shed naturally or may be pulled out, painlessly and easily, while shampooing or brushing. At any given time, around one in ten of the follicles on your head are in the shedding phase. In other words, 10% of your hair remains in the telogen phase. Your new hair will emerge from the same opening as the old one, at the surface of the skin, to begin its three-step cycle again!
All three stages of this cycle repeat on an average of every four to five years. This means that if your hair averages a four year anagen phase, and you trim it one half inch every three months, you can expect your hair to grow four inches each year, or a total of sixteen inches before it reaches the catagen phase. Obviously with wavy or curly hair, your hair will appear a lot shorter than it actually is. However, head size, shape and height can also make your hair appear shorter in comparison to someone else's whose hair length measures identical to your own. Therefore, free yourself from comparisons and live without boundaries, you shall grow!
Derjers International is committed to utilizing our vast world of technology, innovation and information to perpetuate sustainable expertise based on years of research and science. By exploring every aspect of hair care, we strive to bring the very best to all of our customers worldwide! Our goals focus around creating an optimal hair growth environment to ensure vigorously healthy looking hair, while promoting the power of truth and the value of knowledge. Learn more at
We declare the best day for you and the manifestation of the gorgeous-looking hair you merit.